A policeman has luckily saved a woman from after she allegedly tried to kill herselfbecause she could not cope with life.The woman was saved from drowningA young woman tried to commit suicide and wasseen jumping into a river in the city of Qinhuangdaoin Hebei Province of China last Saturday.Mobile phone video footage shot by a passerbyshows a local police officer jumping into the river torescue the woman. [img] https://i1.wp.com/www.gltrends.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Woman-Drown-.jpg?zoom=1.5&resize=283%2C176&ssl=1[/img] The man later saved the woman from drowning todeathHowever, the police officer couldn’t swim very well,and he grasped a bundle of wire before leaping intothe river just in case. The rescuer almost ran out ofstrength as he held the woman back while theywere two meters from the river bank.Luckily, people nearby helped to drag the wire