Marriage is God’s will for man. The first man He created, He provided a wife for him and blessed his marriage. (Gen 2:21-22, Gen 1:28.)Satan hates marriage. He brought marital crisis that made the couples to start trading blames for causes of their failure in obeying God’s command. From then till now, divorce and promiscuity are reoccurring events in which the devil is both the originator and initiator. Jesus emphasized in His teaching that it was not so from the beginning.DiscussionConsider the following posers and discuss the implications of your role as a spouse in it and what part you have to play to make marriage work.1.God is the Originator, Principal and ViceChancellor of the Marriage Institution.2.Marriage is the only School where you collect the certificate before you start.3.Marriage is the only non-graduating School ever established.4.Marriage is a School where you are not allowed to drop out, and the Principal does not expel you from School.5.It is a School that has no break, leave or holidays. You have to attend it every day of your life. Never go to sleep without completing your assignment for the day.6.It is a School where you have to communicate regularly with your classmate (spouse) and the Principal.7.Sometimes you will not feel like attending classes, yet you have to.8.Love is the Major Subject of this School, and Bible is it’s only Textbook.Now discuss the following issues in your role as helpmeet.1.Discuss your ‘helpmeet’ role as a wife in the light of the following phrases.– Assistance and supporter– Encourager and motivator– Home manager and keeper (Titus 5:14)1.Do you therefore see marriage as a ‘School’ of God where women are madeto be formed into the likeness of the Bride of Christ ‘without spot or wrinkle’?2.What are those things you, as a wife, wish that your husband should know better about you in order to make your marriage wonderful?
Let us pray
1.God, I thank You for my family, I know You will continue to take control.
2.My Father, remove every hand of evil in my home, in the name of Jesus.
3.God, restore Your joy back into my home, in Jesus’ name.
4.God, let those who stay in darkness and throw arrow into my home; fall and die, in the name of Jesus.
5.I call the blood of Jesus to flow in my home, in the name of Jesus.
6.God, I need Your peace in my home, in the name of Jesus.
7.God, as from today, no one shall take my responsibility, no one shall take the responsibility of my husband, in the name of Jesus.
8.By the power in the blood of Jesus, the peace of God shall flow in my home.
9.O Lord, empower my family altar by fire and soak me in the spirit of prayer.
10.O Lord, let not our angels of blessingsdepart without fulfilling the purpose for which they are sent to my home.
11.I neutralize all problems originating from the mistakes of my parents and that of my spouse, in the name of Jesus.
12.Lord, bring honey out of the rock for me (Deut. 32:13)
13.Let all fifth columnists and agents of darkness sent against my home receive arrows of fire now in Jesus Name.
14.Father cause the love and understanding between my spouse and I continue to increase unto the perfect day.
15.Our children shall be taught of the Lord and they shall be olive plants round our table, and they shall speak with the enemies at the gate (Psalm 127:5, 128:3)
16.Let the blessing of fruitfulness pronounced by God in Eden be fulfilled on all our homes. We reject any form of barrenness whatsoever among us.