How to embed YouTube videos on your blogspot

How to embed YouTube videos on your blogspot blog

Dedicated to Andrew because he asked so nicely!

1. Sign into your blogspot account as per usual and choose to create a new post.

2. Depending on where you choose to place your video in the post, either write your text before putting the video in or wait until after.

3. In a new tab/window, go to and decide what video you'd like to select.

I chose Rick O' Shea's interview with Mundy at OXEGEN yesterday, not least because I needed at least one OXEGEN post it's funny to see Rick taking photos on his N95 in it...

4. To the right side of the video you'll see the EMBED code.

Just left-click on the code to highlight it all and right-click and choose to copy it to your clipboard (or CTRL-A, CTRL-C and CTRL-V or whatever you find best) :)

6. Return to your blog post screen and switch to the Edit Html view.

7. Paste in your YouTube embed code - it will look something like:
And that's where your YouTube video will appear in your post. You can write as much text as you like before and after it, or indeed just paste it in and publish, it's up to you.

There are probably easier ways of doing it, but that's what I find works for me :) And if it doesn't work the first time, just try again!

Nothing left but to enjoy the video and comments from the people you share it with.