THE GOSPEL FAITH MISSION INT. DAILY DEVOTIONAL READING. Fri. 6/1/2017 Stony Heart Matt. 13:5-6, 20-21

  Fri. 6/1/2017
Stony Heart
Matt. 13:5-6, 20-21
        The seeds that fell on stony places have no depth for survival. This seed here sprung but withered because of the high temperature of the sun for lack of deep root.The heart in this place receives God’s word with joy in short time because of lack of rootto hold the word, the word was unable to pierce the stony (hard) heart. You should allow the word of God to pierce through your heart so when temptation or persecution arises you will be able to stand firm.

Point of Emphasis: Allow God’s word to be deep rooted in you.

Prayer Point: Lord, allow Your word to be established in me.