After d action, Bode started begging me. I could see he actually regretted, but the deed had been done already. I told him to go, i just didn’t want to see him. He left. I locked d door behind him n started weeping. I wept till my eyeballs turned red n my head began to ache. I was confused, i didn’t know what to do, i was just weeping. I couldn’t even pray, i never thought i could do such a thing, i thought i was strong enough to stand. Oh my God !… How wrong i was!!! D next day was Friday, i couldn’t go to school. I had headache, so i called my HOD to inform her i would be absent. She promised to tell d Principal n wished me quick recovery. I couldn’t attend d burial nor singing practice on Saturday, I just locked myself up in my room n was weeping from time to time. On Sunday, i was unusually absent from church. Some choir members came to check on me after service.
They met me under my blanket, shivering. Now i had developed emergency fever.
One of them quickly called Pastor Williams who rushed down to my place with his wife. They took me to d health centre. I was treated against malaria, given some drugs n injections, and was told to come on Monday n Tuesday to complete d injection.
The Williams brought me back home n asked if i wouldn’t mind to go with them to their place, so i wouldn’t be d only one at home, i said no, dt i would be fine. So, they left after praying for me. I slept off n woke up late in d night. Now i felt like eating
something. I looked at my phone, it was 11.17pm. I got up, ate bread with fruit juice n went back to bed.
I couldn’t sleep. I was turning from right to left, left to right on d bed. Again,i remembered “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” 1 Cor 10:12.
I started weeping again. I thought i was standing, now i have fallen. I so much trusted myself, i was so careless. I opened my mouth n began to pray “Lord Jesus, i have disappointed u, pls forgive me, have mercy on me. I am sorry. Now i know better.
Help me Lord. Forgive me Lord. Have mercy on me….” I didn’t even know when i slept off.
When i woke up, i knew i had a dream in which i saw Pastor Mrs Williams talking to me, but i couldn’t remember a single
word out of everything she said. As i was trying to recollect what she was telling me in d dream, i heard a gentle voice in my spirit “Go and open up to her”…. “Ahhhh! . How on earth would i be able to do dt?.I cant Lord!. I cant!!.”. we continue I didn’t hear d voice again, at least at dt moment. D next thing i heard was a knock on my door.
Who is dt?.I spoke softly. I didnt hear any response from d other end. I moved to d door, unlocked it n opened. Guess who was standing there.
….Episode 8….
It was Pastor Mrs. She was on her way to school dt Monday morning as she taught in a primary school at Oyan, but she
quickly branched at my place to check on me. She came with a basket containing pepper soup, jollof rice, vegetable soup and obe ila alasepo (okro soup with stew ingredients) She said she didn’t know d one i would love to eat, but i should try and take d pepper soup as it would deal with dt malaria fever. She told me to warm them as i could see she brought them out of d freezer dt morning, and couldn’t wait to warm them before leaving d house to prevent her from getting late to school.
I collected d basket from her, appreciated her and sat on my plastic chair. “Can i drop u at d health centre for ur injection?, since its on d same route to my school”. She asked.
“I’m not ready yet ma, i will take a bike. Thank u ma”.
“It’s a pleasure my dear. So, how are u feeling now?.”
“I’m better today ma”. I answered.
“Oh!. Thank God. My mind was with u throughout d night. I really couldn’t sleep soundly. I started blaming myself for allowing u to stay here all alone, i should have forced u to come with us yesterday. But, hope u slept well, and….” I switched off!.. I was hearing in my spirit “Open up to her!. Open up to her!!”.
To be continued…
….Episode 8 Cont’d….
Then i heard another voice contrary to dt one saying “Dont try it!. U’ll disappoint her. U can see how she loves and
cares for u, she’ll withdraw d gesture.. What if….” Suddenly, i felt Pastor Mrs’ hand on my shoulder. She tapped me and said “Are u okay?. I’ve called u twice, but u didn’t respond.
What is bothering u?. What are u thinking of? Feel free to share it with me, i’m a mother..” Before she could finish her sentence, i cut in “Nothing ma”. “Hunhun!.. Dont tell me there’s nothing when obviously there’s something. Dt’s a lie, and i don’t expect u as a child of God to tell one, if u dont want to share it, just say u dont want to share it, instead of saying there’s nothing when there’s something.”
I was dumbfounded. I didn’t know when i said “Okay ma, i will tell u later”. “Dt’s better my dear. See u later then. Hurry up so u can go for ur injection on time. Make sure u eat before u go.” She said.
“Okay ma. Thanks Mum.” She left. I got to d health centre dt morning and saw Bisi. She was surprised to see me, and also to hear dt i didn’t attend d burial of Bode’s dad.
When she asked “why?” i told her i was sick, but didn’t tell her beyond dt. As i was getting back home, i met Bode coming out of d corpers’ quarters. I was a bit shy to look at his face, remembering what happened between us. I was no longer free with him. I wish i didn’t see him. He gave me souvenirs of his dad’s burial, and said his mum sent her greetings, and dt she promised to come and visit me as soon as she could go out.
I took those things from him and thanked him. Then he said “Sis Sewa, i’m indeed very sorry for what happened last week. Its d devil. Pls forgive me..” He wanted to hold my hand, but i didn’t allow him. I said “Its fine!, Its fine!!”.Just go.”
Then guess what happened next?.
To Be Continued … Watch out!!!
I hope you guys will enjoy this new episode. “ Adesewa ” This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues are products of imagination and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or person is entirely coincidental. All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright holder.