The 4 Types Of Women In The Bible That Your Mother Warned You About – No.2 Is So Dangerous.

It’s very obvious that we’ve all heard the phrase “I’m the one your momma warned you about”, and I think every one of us can think of a person who fits that description perfectly.
With the explosion of online dating options and relation ship services, where can you go today for good relation ship advice? Would it shock you if I said the Bible?
It may come as a surprise to many that the Good Book actually contains relation ship insights and advice about the types of women you should avoid.
According to Timeofgist, Let’s look at five women who would qualify for your momma’s list.
1. Delilah
Samson’s love interest, who after repeated badgering and manipulation, finally discovered Samson’s secret. Once she knew it, Delilah cut off his hair, which led to Samson’s capture and eventual downfall.
2. Jezebel
Ahab’s wife could probably be described as a modern-day Maleficent meets Catwoman. Among many negative and dysfunctional behaviors, Jezebel killed and destroyed anyone who got in her way, including arranging Naboth’s death so she could confiscate his vineyard.
3. Lot’s wife
After she was commanded to flee Sodom and Gomorrah, God warned Lot’s wife to never look back nor stop during her flight. Unfortunately, she did not heed that advice. Lot’s wife stopped to look back and turned into a pillar of salt.
4. Potiphar’s wife
Even though she was married, Potiphar’s wife obse.ssed over a young servant named Joseph. Her infatuation passed the tipping point when she tried to force Joseph to sleep with her. Joseph narrowly escaped this encounter with only his underclothing intact.
So what can we learn from these four seemingly irrelevant and distant women for today’s relation ship complexities? At the risk of being overly simplistic with these layered and complex stories, there are a few underlying principles in each one that reveal critically important aspects to healthy relation ships.