Why Sub-Saharan Africans are satisfied with their sex lives

More reasons have emerged why people in Africa’s Sub-Sahara region, a relatively undeveloped area, are generally satisfied with their sex lives with the most common rating -reported by 18 percent of respondents- being a perfect “10.”The research by Baylor University, first reported by EurekAlert, will be presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA).
The paper is titled, “Sex Life Satisfaction in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Descriptive and Exploratory Analysis.”
Study author Stephen Cranney, a postdoctoral scholar in Baylor’s Institute for Studies of Religion and a lecturer of sociology in Baylor’s College of Arts & Sciences said sex life satisfaction was not linked to differences in country-level variables, such as a country’s overall wealth. Instead, individual level characteristics, such as having a higher income, more education, and a spouse or “domestic partner” were associated with greater satisfaction.

Cranney said the findings are significant because past research has shown that sexual satisfaction is associated with general well-being, and because they provide a comparison for patterns in developed parts of the world, such as Europe and the United States. He said the study is also significant because it did not find any evidence that concern about Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was related to sex life satisfaction,. He said: “Sub-Saharan Africa contains nearly a billion people. It is important. This area contains some of the least developed countries in the world. It’s a prime area to compare against the highly developed countries that traditionally have been the subject of sex life satisfaction research. The finding that people tend to be satisfied with their sex lives generally holds across countries, according to previous research.”
Meanwhile, a new map has revealed the average size of a man’s erect penis from around the world and Africa takes top spot. Target Map created the colour-coded interactive graphic which shows the different sizes of men’s manhood depending on where they are from.The diagram shows that African men have the world’s largest penises while Asian guys got the short end of the stick, as they have the smallest on average. Western African countries like Ghana, the Congo, Gabon and Nigeria grab the top spot, with their averages in excess of 16 centimetres.
Asian countries like India, Thailand and South Korea don’t measure up as well as they’re situated at the bottom of the charts, with average sizes between 9.3 centimetres (3.6 inches) and 10.5 centimetres (4.1 inches). Australia comes just behind Africa as the average size there is greater than 14.7 centimetres (5.8 inches) and Mexico, Norway, Italy and Sweden are in the same category.